Tom saves 37.5% of his weekly wage of $320. How much does he spend?


Find 37.5% of $320 (which is $120), and subtract that value from $320, and your result is $200.

To find out how much Tom saves, we need to calculate 37.5% of his weekly wage.

Step 1: Multiply Tom's weekly wage ($320) by 37.5% (0.375).
320 * 0.375 = 120.

So, Tom saves $120 from his weekly wage.

To find out how much he spends, we'll subtract his savings from his weekly wage.

Step 2: Subtract the savings ($120) from the weekly wage ($320).
320 - 120 = 200.

Therefore, Tom spends $200.

To find out how much Tom spends, we need to first calculate how much of his weekly wage he saves.

Step 1: Calculate the amount Tom saves
To find out how much Tom saves, multiply his weekly wage by the saving percentage:
Saving amount = Weekly wage * Saving percentage

Weekly wage = $320
Saving percentage = 37.5%

Saving amount = $320 * 0.375

Step 2: Calculate the amount Tom spends
To find out how much Tom spends, subtract the saving amount from his weekly wage:
Spending amount = Weekly wage - Saving amount

Spending amount = $320 - ( $320 * 0.375 )

Step 3: Calculate the spending amount
Now let's calculate:
Spending amount = $320 - ( $320 * 0.375 )
Spending amount = $320 - $120
Spending amount = $200

Therefore, Tom spends $200.