What is a thesis? And how do I write one?

Select a topic for an argumentative essay and write a thesis (claim) statement.

I already have my topic *Are school uniforms a bad idea?*


School uniforms are a bad idea.
School uniforms are a good idea.
whatever. What was your conclusion, and was it supported by your arguments?

Also -- study this site.


A thesis, also known as a claim or argument, is a statement that summarizes the main point or purpose of an essay or research paper. It is typically presented in the introduction and guides the overall direction and focus of your writing. To write a thesis, you need to follow a few steps:

1. Understand your topic: Before writing a thesis, make sure you have a clear understanding of your chosen topic, including its background and different perspectives.

2. Take a position: Based on your understanding of the topic, decide on your stance or position regarding the issue. In an argumentative essay, your thesis should present a strong and debatable claim.

3. Brainstorm ideas: Start brainstorming ideas that support your position. Think about the reasons why you believe school uniforms are a bad idea and the potential arguments you can make to defend your viewpoint.

4. Draft your thesis statement: Combine your position and supporting ideas into a clear and concise sentence. Your thesis statement should give readers a preview of your main arguments without going into too much detail. It should be specific, arguable, and focused.

For the topic "Are school uniforms a bad idea?", here's an example of a thesis statement:

"School uniforms should not be mandatory as they restrict students' freedom of expression, fail to address the root causes of bullying, and do not improve academic performance."

This thesis statement clearly expresses the writer's position against school uniforms and provides three main arguments (freedom of expression, bullying, and academic performance) that will be discussed in the essay.

Remember, a thesis is a working statement that can be revised and refined as your essay progresses. It is essential to have a well-defined thesis statement to guide your writing and ensure a focused and convincing argument.