Due to the plate tectonics, the summit of Mount Everest moves about 4.5 X 10 ^-3 meter northeastwar in one year. About how many meters does the summit of Mount Everest move in 11 years?

4.09 x 10 ^-3
4.95 x 10 ^-3
4.09 x 10 ^-2
4.95 x 10 ^-2

Can you please check this? I got D. If I got it wrong can you please explain? Thank you!

Yes, D is right.

To determine how many meters the summit of Mount Everest moves in 11 years, we need to multiply the annual movement by the number of years.

The annual movement is given as 4.5 x 10^-3 meters northeastward.

To perform the calculation, we multiply this value by 11:

(4.5 x 10^-3) * 11 = 4.95 x 10^-2 meters

Therefore, the correct answer is 4.95 x 10^-2 meters, which corresponds to option D.

You were correct in choosing option D. Well done!