I don't need the answer, I just need some details.. I already have some things written I just need some other facts to get more detailed for my response.

Everyone has felt some level of depression, but not everyone has suffered from major depression. Explain the difference between the two and give two symptoms of when depression is more than just feeling down.

What have you written so far?

Its a short response.

Major depression can be caused internally, a chemical imbalance of the brain, trauma, a lost family member or friend, and a troubled past can all lead up to major depression. Common depression can be caused by low self-esteem, (I need more details for this)
Depression is much more than just feeling down, depression can lead to anxiety, social isolation, and excluding one’s self from activates they once loved, etc.



You're welcome.

When it comes to understanding the difference between feeling down and major depression, it's important to note that depression is a complex mental health condition that goes beyond normal fluctuations in mood. While everyone experiences sadness or low mood at times, major depression, also known as clinical depression or major depressive disorder (MDD), is characterized by persistently low mood and a loss of interest or pleasure in activities that used to be enjoyable.

Here are two symptoms that can help differentiate when depression is more than just feeling down:

1. Persistent Depressed Mood: One key symptom of major depression is a persistent feeling of sadness, emptiness, or hopelessness for most of the day, nearly every day. This feeling may be accompanied by a subjective perception of sadness or an objective observation by others that the individual appears consistently depressed. It is important to note that this symptom should last for at least two weeks to be categorized as a part of major depression.

2. Loss of Interest or Pleasure: Another symptom of major depression is a significant decrease or loss of interest in activities that one previously enjoyed. This can involve hobbies, social interactions, or even personal relationships. Someone with major depression may feel detached or emotionally numb, and even activities or events that used to bring joy may no longer elicit the same level of interest or pleasure.

To further expand on your response, you can also mention additional symptoms such as significant changes in appetite or weight, disruptions in sleep patterns (insomnia or excessive sleeping), fatigue or loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt, difficulty concentrating or making decisions, and recurrent thoughts of death or suicidal ideation.

It's vital to remember that depression affects individuals differently, and it's always recommended to consult a mental health professional for a comprehensive diagnosis and appropriate treatment options.