Can you please check these questions not just give a link to sparknotes. These questions are for the book "A Separate Peace" by John Knowles.

For Gene, jumping from the tree seems to be a way to
a. reject his past life of conformity
b. gain new respect from his classmates
c. prepare for military service
d. give continuity to his life

I think it is b

Finny's behavior in the snowball fight suggests that his life is
a. one long struggle
b. based on disorder and unpredictability
c. governed by strong loyalties
d. marked by a basic dishonesty

I think it is c

Actually I think the answer for the first question is A

Either Sparknotes or Shmoop should give you what you need if you are averse to reading/re-reading the book or the parts of the book you need.


To answer the first question, we need to consider Gene's motivation for jumping from the tree in the book "A Separate Peace" by John Knowles. To determine the correct answer, we can analyze Gene's state of mind and the context of the scene.

Gene's jump from the tree occurs during a moment of intense rivalry and competition between him and his friend Finny. It serves as a symbolic gesture that represents Gene's desire to break free from his past life of conformity and establish his own identity. It represents his rejection of societal expectations and the pursuit of personal growth and independence.

Option a, "reject his past life of conformity," aligns with this interpretation. Therefore, the correct answer is indeed a.

Moving on to the second question, we are asked to analyze Finny's behavior in the snowball fight. This scene provides insight into Finny's character and the way he navigates his life.

Throughout the book, Finny is portrayed as a charismatic and free-spirited individual who brings a sense of spontaneity and excitement to the lives of those around him. He often challenges rules and authority figures, creating a sense of disorder and unpredictability.

Option b, "based on disorder and unpredictability," captures this aspect of Finny's life accurately. Hence, the correct answer is indeed b.

By carefully examining the characters and their actions within the context of the story, we can arrive at the correct answers without relying on external sources such as SparkNotes.