A golfer hits a golf ball with a club. The mass of the ball is 0.05 kg. The ball accelerates at 2,000 m/s2. What is the net force, to the nearest newton, that accelerates the ball?

I know the answer is 50, but I don't know how to do it!

I want to eat some chips

f = m a = 0.05 kg * 2000 m/s^2 = 100 N

where did the 50 come from?

it's 100!!!! i just did a test and they said it was 100 I-

The answer is 100 trust me

The answer is 100N I took the test and it's 100

Lol I love reading all of your guys’ response 💀

it's 100 ong

multiple say 50 and multiple people say 100 what the heck is it?

the people who say it is 100 are right! now stop arguing okay?

its 100