Animals from the deepest places on Earth have been found with plastic in their stomachs. The discovery confirms fears that man-made fibers have contaminated the most remote places on the planet.

The study was led by academics at Newcastle University. It found that animals from trenches across the Pacific Ocean were contaminated with plastic fibers. These fibers probably originated from plastic bottles, packaging and synthetic clothes.
Dr Alan Jamieson, who led the study, said the findings were startling. They proved that nowhere on the planet was free from plastics pollution.
“There is now no doubt that plastics pollution is so pervasive that nowhere – no matter how remote – is immune,” he said.
^The Article^

Q-Which detail from the article supports the idea that plastic pollution in the deepest parts of the ocean will only get worse unless people do something about it?

A) It found that animals from trenches across the Pacific Ocean were contaminated with plastic fibers. These fibers probably originated from plastic bottles, packaging and synthetic clothes.***

B) Jamieson said deep-sea organisms are dependent on food “raining down from the surface" of the sea. In turn, this can bring "adverse components, such as plastic and pollutants with it,” he said.

C) “Once these plastics reach the deep seafloor there is simply nowhere else for them to go," he said. "Therefore it is assumed they will simply accumulate in greater quantities.”

D) “These observations are the deepest-possible record of micro-plastic occurrence and ingestion, indicating it is highly likely there are no marine ecosystems left that are not impacted by anthropogenic debris.”

Can someone check my answers..?

Ya'll suck. I just wanted someone to check my answers real quick. >:(

I would have chosen C because it predicts the future.

A little late, dontcha think, @Damon ? >:(

i think it is B

The detail from the article that supports the idea that plastic pollution in the deepest parts of the ocean will only get worse unless people do something about it is option A) It found that animals from trenches across the Pacific Ocean were contaminated with plastic fibers. These fibers probably originated from plastic bottles, packaging, and synthetic clothes.

This detail highlights the fact that plastic pollution has reached even the most remote and unexplored parts of the ocean, indicating that it is widespread and pervasive. The mention of plastic fibers originating from plastic bottles, packaging, and synthetic clothes further emphasizes the human contribution to this pollution.

The presence of plastic fibers in the stomachs of animals suggests that they are consuming plastic, which can harm their health and lead to various ecological imbalances. This highlights the urgent need for action to reduce plastic pollution. Unless people take steps to address this issue, the contamination of the deepest parts of the ocean with plastic will likely continue and worsen over time.