20% of what number is 12

0.2x = 12

Solve for x.

YOur family drives 126 miles from Key West to Florida mainland About 15% of this distance is spent on bridges. How many miles of bridges do you travel over?

0.15 * 126 = ?

To find out what number represents 20% of another number, we can use the mathematical formula:

(Part/Whole) = (Percentage/100)

In this case, the "Part" is 12, and the "Percentage" is 20%. So, let's label the unknown number as "X." The formula becomes:

(12/X) = (20/100)

To solve for X, we can cross-multiply:

100 * 12 = 20 * X

1200 = 20X

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 20 to isolate X:

1200/20 = X

60 = X

Therefore, 20% of 60 is equal to 12.