Michael spends three hours cleaning his house you spend equal amount of time cleaning each room you spend a half an hour cleaning its room how many rooms does he have left

6 rooms 100% on connexus

waaa.. not enough information. can you please clear this up?


how many rooms were there in the first place?

Does everyone have all the answers for the test i'm doing? I want to check all if my answers are right cause I really need help with the test

HMPH so when u gonnna tell her? WE DID THAT TO SHE THINKS IT SPECIAL -rolls eyes-+*

idc im going with Greta

Yall if he spends 3 hours cleaning the house and dedicates 1/2 hour to each room that's 6 rooms

To find out how many rooms Michael has left to clean, we need to determine the total number of rooms in his house and subtract the number of rooms he has already cleaned.

We are given that Michael spends a total of three hours cleaning his house. We are also told that he spends half an hour cleaning each room. This means that he divides the three hours equally among the rooms.

To calculate the number of rooms he has already cleaned, we divide the total cleaning time (3 hours) by the time he spends per room (0.5 hours):
Rooms cleaned = Total cleaning time / Time per room
Rooms cleaned = 3 hours / 0.5 hours
Rooms cleaned = 6 rooms

So far, Michael has cleaned 6 rooms. To find out how many rooms he has left, we need to know the total number of rooms in his house. Unfortunately, that information is missing from the question. Without knowing the total number of rooms, we cannot determine how many rooms Michael has left to clean.