Australia's population is approximately 2.5×10^7. The area of Australia is 2.95×10^6 square miles. What is the approximate average number of people per square mile in Australia?

10^7/10^6 = 10

2.5 * 10 = 25

25/2.95 = ?

To find the approximate average number of people per square mile in Australia, we divide the population of Australia by its area.

Step 1: Find the population of Australia, which is approximately 2.5 × 10^7.

Step 2: Find the area of Australia, which is approximately 2.95 × 10^6 square miles.

Step 3: Divide the population by the area to find the average number of people per square mile.

So, the approximate average number of people per square mile in Australia is:

(2.5 × 10^7) / (2.95 × 10^6) ≈ 8.48

Therefore, the approximate average number of people per square mile in Australia is 8.48.