ABCDEF is a regular hexagon. Find the value of. VectorAB+AC+AD+EA+FA.


EA = -AE = -(AB+BC+CD+DE)
FA = -AF = -(AB+BC+CD+DE+EF)
You can add those up and play around with the result; not sure just where you want to go with it.

I suspect you want to get to here:


To find the value of the vector sum AB + AC + AD + EA + FA in a regular hexagon ABCDEF, we can break it down into smaller vectors and simplify the expression.

1. Since ABCDEF is a regular hexagon, each side has equal length, denoted as "s".

2. The vector AB represents the horizontal displacement when moving from point A to point B. It has the magnitude of "s" and points in the positive x-direction.

3. The vector AC represents the diagonal displacement when moving from point A to point C. It has the magnitude of "s" and points in the positive y-direction.

4. The vector AD represents the displacement when moving from point A to point D. Since D is adjacent to C, the vector AD is equal to AC with a direction opposite to AC.

5. The vectors EA and FA represent the displacements from points E and F back to point A. Since E and F are two vertices opposite each other in a regular hexagon, EA and FA are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. So, they cancel each other out, resulting in a null vector.

Now, let's calculate the value of the given vector sum:

AB + AC + AD + EA + FA
= AB + AC - AC + null vector
= AB

Thus, the value of the vector sum AB + AC + AD + EA + FA in a regular hexagon ABCDEF simplifies to AB, which has a magnitude of "s" and points in the positive x-direction.

To find the value of the vector sum VectorAB + VectorAC + VectorAD + VectorEA + VectorFA, we need to consider the properties of a regular hexagon.

First, let's visualize the regular hexagon ABCDEF:

A _________ B
/ \
/ \
\ /

Since ABCDEF is a regular hexagon, all sides are congruent and all angles are equal. Let's assume the length of each side is represented by 's'.

Now, let's break down the vector sum:

VectorAB: This vector points from point A to point B. Since A and B are consecutive vertices, VectorAB represents one side of the hexagon, which we assumed to be 's' units in length.

VectorAC: This vector points from point A to point C. Again, since A and C are consecutive vertices, VectorAC represents another side of the hexagon, which is also 's' units in length.

VectorAD: This vector points from point A to point D. Similar to the previous cases, VectorAD represents another side of the hexagon with a length of 's' units.

VectorEA: This vector points from point E to point A. As E and A are consecutive vertices, VectorEA represents a side of the hexagon with a length of 's' units.

VectorFA: This vector points from point F to point A. Once again, since F and A are consecutive vertices, VectorFA represents another side of the hexagon with a length of 's' units.

Therefore, the sum of VectorAB, VectorAC, VectorAD, VectorEA, and VectorFA is equal to 5 times the length of one side (5s) since we are adding all the sides of the hexagon.

In summary, the value of VectorAB + VectorAC + VectorAD + VectorEA + VectorFA is equal to 5s, where 's' represents the length of each side of the regular hexagon.