how to solve for 3loga(2x+1)-2loga(2x-1)

nothing to solve, you don't have an equation.

If you are simplifying ....

= loga(2x+1)^3 - loga(2x-1)^2
= loga [ (2x+1)^3 / (2x-1)^2 ]

not really simplifying, just changing it around a bit

To solve the expression 3loga(2x+1) - 2loga(2x-1), we can use logarithm rules to simplify the expression. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Apply the product rule of logarithms to the expression 3loga(2x+1):
3loga(2x+1) = loga((2x+1)^3)

Step 2: Apply the product rule of logarithms to the expression -2loga(2x-1):
-2loga(2x-1) = loga((2x-1)^(-2))

Step 3: Simplify the expression by combining the logarithms:
loga((2x+1)^3) - loga((2x-1)^(-2))

Step 4: Apply the quotient rule of logarithms to combine the expressions:

Step 5: Apply the power rule of logarithms to further simplify the expression:

So, the expression 3loga(2x+1) - 2loga(2x-1) simplifies to loga(((2x+1)^3)*(2x-1)^2).

To solve for 3loga(2x+1) - 2loga(2x-1), we can use the properties of logarithms to simplify the expression before solving.

Step 1: Apply the power rule of logarithms.
Using the power rule, we can rewrite the expression as follows:
loga((2x+1)^3) - loga((2x-1)^2)

Step 2: Apply the quotient rule of logarithms.
Using the quotient rule, we can rewrite the expression as a single logarithm:
loga[((2x+1)^3) / ((2x-1)^2)]

Step 3: Simplify the expression.
Expand the numerator and denominator:
loga[(8x^3 + 12x^2 + 6x + 1) / (4x^2 - 4x + 1)]

Now, the expression is simplified.

If you need to solve for x, you would typically set the entire logarithm equal to a constant and solve the resulting equation. However, since you didn't provide a specific equation, I cannot solve it further without additional information.