Plot three points with second coordinate Equal to (1.3) and join them.


now what?

To plot three points with a second coordinate equal to 1.3 and join them, follow these steps:

Step 1: Choose the first point: (x1, y1)
Since the second coordinate is 1.3, let's choose any x-coordinate value. Let's say we choose x1 = 0. The first point will be (0, 1.3).

Step 2: Choose the second point: (x2, y2)
Since we want the second coordinate to be 1.3, let's choose another x-coordinate value. Let's say we choose x2 = 2. The second point will be (2, 1.3).

Step 2: Choose the third point: (x3, y3)
Similarly, let's pick another x-coordinate value. Let's say we choose x3 = 4. The third point will be (4, 1.3).

Step 3: Plot the points:
Plot the three points on a graph:

First point: (0, 1.3)
Second point: (2, 1.3)
Third point: (4, 1.3)

Step 4: Join the points:
Now, join these three points in order. You can use a straight line to connect them.

The final result will be three points (0, 1.3), (2, 1.3), and (4, 1.3) connected by a straight line.

To plot three points with the second coordinate equal to 1.3 and join them, you will need a coordinate system such as a Cartesian plane. Follow the steps below:

1. Draw a horizontal x-axis and a vertical y-axis that intersect at (0,0) in the center of your graph paper or drawing tool.

2. Label the x-axis as "x" and the y-axis as "y".

3. Locate the point (0,1.3) on the y-axis. This means the x-coordinate of this point will be 0, while the y-coordinate will be 1.3. Mark this point.

4. Now, choose two different x-coordinate values other than 0. For example, you can select x = 1 and x = -1.

5. For x = 1, locate the point (1, 1.3) on the graph. The x-coordinate is 1, and the y-coordinate is still 1.3. Mark this point.

6. For x = -1, locate the point (-1, 1.3) on the graph. The x-coordinate is -1, and the y-coordinate is still 1.3. Mark this point.

7. Now, connect the three points you marked on the graph with a straight line. This line represents the path connecting the three points.

Congratulations! You have successfully plotted three points with the second coordinate equal to 1.3 and joined them.