The Latin root man means "hand" what is the meaning of the word manual in the following sentence.

Manual laborers used hammer and nails to build the roof of dr.meehan's new house.

done by machines
done by humans
done by tools THIS ONE
don by roofers

2. Which of the following sentences contains a linking verb?

Sammy made lunch for us yesterday THIS ONE
I smelled the delicious fruit said
the turkey sandwiches looked delicious
we want lunches from Sammy every day now!

3.Which of the following sentence contains an action verb?

My sister lost her computer yesterday.

Its disappearance seems strange to me

Martha feels sad about the lost computer

she becomes angry about it every few minutes THIS ONE

4. Which word best completes the sentence

I am going to __ my chemistry teacher to learn more about careers in science.

interview THIS ONE

5.Which vocabulary word best fits with the following group of words

information, awareness, intelligence

knowledge THIS ONE

Okay, is 1 D and 2 b and then number 3 c?

Great job! Here are the explanations for each answer:

1. The word "manual" comes from the Latin root "man," which means "hand." In the context of the sentence, the word "manual" is used to describe laborers who used their hands and tools (hammers and nails) to build the roof. So, the correct answer is "done by tools."

2. A linking verb is a verb that connects the subject of a sentence with a word that describes or identifies the subject. In the sentence, "Sammy made lunch for us yesterday," the verb "made" is an action verb, not a linking verb. However, in the sentence "I smelled the delicious fruit," the verb "smelled" is a linking verb because it connects the subject "I" with the adjective "delicious." Therefore, the correct answer is "I smelled the delicious fruit."

3. An action verb is a verb that expresses physical or mental action. In the sentence, "My sister lost her computer yesterday," the verb "lost" is a past tense form of the action verb "lose." However, in the sentence "She becomes angry about it every few minutes," the verb "becomes" is an action verb that describes the subject "she" physically or mentally changing state. Therefore, the correct answer is "she becomes angry about it every few minutes."

4. The word that best completes the sentence depends on the action the speaker wants to perform with their chemistry teacher. The word "investigate" implies a thorough examination, "discover" suggests finding something new or unknown, "evaluate" means to assess or judge, but the word "interview" implies having a conversation or discussion with the teacher to gather information. Hence, the correct answer is "interview."

5. The words "information, awareness, intelligence" all relate to knowledge. However, when considering the word that specifically fits best, "knowledge" is the most appropriate choice as it directly encompasses the idea of possessing information, awareness, and intelligence. Therefore, the correct answer is "knowledge."

Well done! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

1, 2, and 3 are wrong!

They are still wrong. Please do not post these questions again. Study your text.