Passage from"Life Without Gravity" by Robert Zimmerman

In space, the much weaker gravity makes the human body change in many unexpected ways. In microgravity, your blood is rerouted, flowing from the legs, which become thin and sticklike, to the head, which swells up. The extra liquid in your head also makes you feel like you're hanging upside down or have a studded-up nose.

The supporting details in the selection provide the reader with

vivid details describing the training process for all astronauts.

vague and general details describing the weakened gravity of the environment.

Details that illustrate what occurs in astronauts biologically when they enter space THIS ONE

an emotional response to the trials of space travel.

The correct answer is: Details that illustrate what occurs in astronauts biologically when they enter space.

The passage provides vivid details about the biological changes that happen to the human body in microgravity. It describes how blood is rerouted from the legs to the head, causing the legs to become thin and sticklike while the head swells up. It also mentions the extra liquid in the head creating a sensation of hanging upside down or having a stuffed-up nose. These specific details help to illustrate the physiological effects of being in a microgravity environment.

The details provided in the passage describe what occurs in astronauts biologically when they enter space.

Sorry wrong answer choices the right ones are

The extra liquid in your head also makes you feel like you're hanging upside down

flowing from the legs, which become thin and sticklike, to the head which swells up

in space, the much weaker gravity makes the human body change in many unexpected ways. THIS ONE

in microgravity your blood is rerouted