Which of theses is an example of direct characterization

A: Trey's voice remained calm as he shared the news.
B: taya was well know for her good looks .
C: Marcus is shy and has difuclity speaking to crowd.
D:haley as the first in the class to finish her home work

i really need on this

i think it c and


The example of direct characterization among the options given is option C: "Marcus is shy and has difficulty speaking to crowds."

Direct characterization refers to when an author explicitly describes or provides direct information about a character's traits or qualities. In this case, the author directly states that Marcus is shy and has difficulty speaking to crowds. This information is presented without any interpretation or inference required on the part of the reader.

To recognize direct characterization, you need to look for specific statements or descriptions that directly describe a character's attributes, personality, or physical appearance without any ambiguity or need for inference. In direct characterization, the author is explicitly stating the character's traits rather than allowing the reader to infer them.