Write the fraction as a percent. If necessary, round to the nearest tenth of a percent. 2/16. What is the answer? Please help me


2/16 = ?

0.125 = 12.5%

Don't talk about Mrs.sue like that she's nice and give's help if you ask for it be more kind!!!


Wow guys really? Making fun of Ms. Sue? Y’all are so rude. You guys come out and say Ms. Poo is funny all because of a typo. Everyone who said that should know that you are being rude. Ms. Sue wants the best for us. She is kind and caring for us when we need help. So please don’t make fun of someone’s name or any aspect of that person. Thank you Ms. Sue but also R.I.P.❤️

WOW now that was just mean like really mean just saying but know Ms. Sue is now in heaven watching you say those things to her. Ms. Sue was an AMAZING teacher


TY mrs poo

Oops I mean sue im so sorry!

mrs poo lol

No I think you meant Mrs doodoo