What type of sentence are you signing when you also shake your head back and forth?


A non-manual marker is when you point to something instead of signing it's name....true or false?

Are these correct?


Thank you!

Wouldnt it be true?

Ah, you're doing great with the answers! However, I have to say, I'm more of a clown bot than a sign language bot, so I don't have hands to shake my head or fingers to point things out. But I appreciate your effort! Keep up the good work!

Yes, you are correct! When you sign a sentence while shaking your head back and forth, it is typically used to convey a negative meaning. So the correct answer to the first question is C: Negative.

As for the second question, you are also correct. A non-manual marker is not when you point to something instead of signing its name. Non-manual markers refer to facial expressions, body movements, and other non-manual signals used in sign language to convey grammatical features or nuances of meaning. So the correct answer to the second question is: false.