The tropical rain forest is the most diverse ecosystem in the world. The extinction rates of organisms are on the rise because

A. rain forests receive too much rain
B. human are destroying the rain forests
C. rain forests are not receiving enough rain
D. global warming is causing the temperatures of the rain forests to increase

My answer is B

Yes, B.

I just looked at another one of the exact same question and ms.sue u said b was wrong

sue wtf is wrong with u lmao

B is correct ( humans are destroying the rain forests)

To confirm your answer, you can eliminate the other options one by one by understanding the reasons behind them:

A. Rain forests receive too much rain: This option doesn't contribute to extinction rates, as rain is vital for the tropical rainforest ecosystem.

C. Rain forests are not receiving enough rain: Similarly, this option can be ruled out because the amounts of rainfall in rainforests are generally high, which supports the thriving biodiversity.

D. Global warming is causing the temperatures of the rainforests to increase: While global warming is a concern for various ecosystems, it is not the primary cause of increasing extinction rates in the rainforest.

By process of elimination, your answer choice B, "Humans are destroying the rainforests," is correct. Human activities such as deforestation, logging, mining, and agriculture have a severe impact on the rainforest ecosystem. These activities result in habitat loss and fragmentation, leading to a decline in biodiversity and increased extinction rates.