Julia's English test score is 11 points more than Juana's, and Juan's English test score is 6 points less than Juana's. Julia and Juan's scores are added to 183 points. What's the test score of Juana? Use the equation to solve the problem. Set the variable as J.

4/5x for x=5/8


h/4/9 for h=5 1/3
a.2 10/27

j/3 1/2 for j=9/10
a.4 1/5
b.3 3/10

To solve this problem using an equation, let's set Juana's test score as the variable J.

According to the given information, Julia's English test score is 11 points more than Juana's. So, Julia's score would be J + 11.

Similarly, Juan's English test score is 6 points less than Juana's. Therefore, Juan's score would be J - 6.

The sum of Julia and Juan's scores is 183 points. So, we can write the equation as:

(J + 11) + (J - 6) = 183

Now, we can solve the equation for J, which represents Juana's test score.

Combining like terms on the left side of the equation, we have:

2J + 5 = 183

Subtracting 5 from both sides of the equation:

2J = 183 - 5


2J = 178

To isolate J, we divide both sides of the equation by 2:

J = 178 รท 2

J = 89

Therefore, Juana's English test score is 89.

what equation?

Is J Julia's score, or Juan's, or Juana's?

in any case, use the equation; you apparently neglected to include it here.

We could do this:

let Juana's score be j
then Julia's score is j+11
and Juan's score is j-6

j+11 + j-6 = 183


I agree with Steve that this is a poorly designed question. All 3 names start with J, so to suggest J as the variable is rather silly.