
All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace

I like to think (and
the sooner the better!)
of a cybernetic meadow
where mammals and computers
live together in mutually
programming harmony
like pure water
touching clear sky.

I like to think
(right now, please!)
of a cybernetic forest
filled with pines and electronics
where deer stroll peacefully
past computers
as if they were flowers
with spinning blossoms.

I like to think
(it has to be!)
of a cybernetic ecology
where we are free of our labors
and joined back to nature,
returned to our mammal
brothers and sisters,
and all watched over
by machines of loving grace.

3. The narrator in “All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace” expresses (1 point)

a) a mistrust of machines.
b) an obsession with technology.
c) ambivalence about religion.
d) a desire to live in the future.

My Answer: D
Could someone please check my answer?


Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is b) an obsession with technology. The narrator expresses a fascination and positive view of technology, envisioning a world where machines and nature coexist harmoniously and where humans are liberated from labor.

To answer this question, we need to analyze the text provided in the poem "All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace". The narrator expresses their thoughts and desires in relation to a cybernetic or technological vision of nature. Let's break down the options:

a) a mistrust of machines: While the narrator mentions machines and technology, there is no indication of mistrust towards them. In fact, their description is rather positive and harmonious.

b) an obsession with technology: Although the narrator expresses a fondness for the idea of a cybernetic ecology, there is no evidence to suggest an obsessive or excessive preoccupation with technology. The focus seems to be on the harmony between living beings and machines rather than an obsession with the machines themselves.

c) ambivalence about religion: The poem does not directly mention religion or reflect any ambivalence towards it. It primarily focuses on the concept of a harmonious coexistence between nature and technology.

d) a desire to live in the future: This option aligns closely with the narrator's sentiments. They express a desire for a cybernetic meadow, a cybernetic forest, and a cybernetic ecology. These visions are suggestive of a future where humans live in harmony with machines and return to a more natural state.

Based on the analysis, your answer of D) a desire to live in the future is correct. The narrator's perspective and expressions align with a longing for a future where humans coexist with machines in harmony.

I agree.