Which of the following is NOT a definition of ethics?

rules restricting a person's freedom

a set of rules governing behavior

a rationale for value judgments


Yes, A.

thank you.

Yes, that's correct! "Rules restricting a person's freedom" is NOT a definition of ethics. In order to determine this answer, we can break down the definitions of ethics provided.

1. "Rules restricting a person's freedom": Ethics is not solely about restricting a person's freedom; rather, it is concerned with guiding and influencing behavior based on moral principles and values.

2. "A set of rules governing behavior": This definition captures the essence of ethics. Ethics does involve a set of rules or principles that guide behavior and help individuals distinguish between right and wrong.

3. "A rationale for value judgments": This definition also aligns with the concept of ethics. Ethics provides a framework for evaluating and making value judgments based on moral principles and standards.

Therefore, option A is the correct answer as it does not accurately define ethics.