Some animals are able to survive long periods without food because they __________.

can use proteins as an energy source

have a large store of fat

usually eat more food than they need

have a large store of complex carbohydrates

I am fairly certain it is B

I ask this because Im not sure if it is actually D. It has me doubting myself

Agree. Think of a hibernating bear.

You are correct! Some animals are able to survive long periods without food because they have a large store of fat. Fat is the body's primary energy storage molecule, and animals that store significant amounts of fat can rely on it as an energy source when food is scarce.

To arrive at this answer, you can use your knowledge about animals and their adaptations to surviving in challenging environments. In this case, the ability to store fat is an important adaptation that allows certain animals to survive periods of food scarcity. By drawing on your understanding of animal physiology and adaptations, you can reason that animals with a large store of fat would be better equipped to endure without food for extended periods.

It's always good to draw upon your existing knowledge, make logical deductions, and analyze the question's options to arrive at the correct answer. Keep up the great work!