which solid does the net form?

hexagonal prism
hexagonal pyramid
rectangular prism
rectangular pyramid

To determine the solid formed by a net, it is helpful to understand what a net is. A net is a 2D representation of a 3D object that, when cut and folded, can be assembled into the desired solid shape.

Let's analyze each option you presented and determine the solid formed by its net:

1. Hexagonal Prism:
A hexagonal prism has two hexagonal faces parallel to each other and connected by vertical rectangular faces. In its net form, it consists of a hexagon as the top and bottom bases connected with rectangles along the sides. When folded and assembled, this net forms a hexagonal prism.

2. Hexagonal Pyramid:
A hexagonal pyramid has a hexagonal base and triangular faces that intersect at a single point called the apex. In its net form, it consists of a hexagon as the base and six congruent triangles connected to the hexagon's vertices. When folded and assembled, this net forms a hexagonal pyramid.

3. Rectangular Prism:
A rectangular prism has six rectangular faces, with three pairs of congruent and parallel faces. In its net form, it consists of three pairs of rectangles joined along their edges. When folded and assembled, this net forms a rectangular prism.

4. Rectangular Pyramid:
A rectangular pyramid has a rectangular base and triangular faces that intersect at a single point called the apex. In its net form, it consists of a rectangle as the base and four congruent triangles connected to the rectangle's edges. When folded and assembled, this net forms a rectangular pyramid.

So, to summarize:
- The net form of a hexagonal prism is a hexagon connected to rectangles along the sides.
- The net form of a hexagonal pyramid is a hexagon connected to triangles at each vertex.
- The net form of a rectangular prism is three pairs of rectangles joined together.
- The net form of a rectangular pyramid is a rectangle connected to triangles along the edges.

By understanding the properties and arrangements of the faces, you can visualize and determine the solid formed by their respective nets.

To determine which solid does the net form, we need to visualize each of the given nets.

A net is a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional shape that can be cut out and folded to form the actual solid shape. Let's examine each of the given options.

1. Hexagonal Prism:
The net of a hexagonal prism consists of two parallel hexagons as the bases and six rectangles connecting the corresponding sides of the bases vertically. When folded along the edges, the net forms a hexagonal prism.

2. Hexagonal Pyramid:
The net of a hexagonal pyramid consists of a hexagonal base and six triangles connecting the base to a common vertex. When folded along the edges, the net forms a hexagonal pyramid.

3. Rectangular Prism:
The net of a rectangular prism consists of six rectangles, where three pairs of rectangles are congruent. When folded along the edges, the net forms a rectangular prism.

4. Rectangular Pyramid:
The net of a rectangular pyramid consists of a rectangular base and four triangles connecting the base to a common vertex. When folded along the edges, the net forms a rectangular pyramid.

Therefore, the net forms a hexagonal prism for the first option, a hexagonal pyramid for the second option, a rectangular prism for the third option, and a rectangular pyramid for the fourth option.

which net?