
i did this on my hw but it saided itt waz wrong


Cross multiply and solve for y.

54y = 396

y = 7 1/3 = 7.33333

To solve the equation y/9 = 44/54, we need to isolate the variable y.

Step 1: Simplify both sides of the equation by finding the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 9 and 54, which is 9.

9 * (y/9) = 9 * (44/54)
y = 4 * 9/6

Step 2: Simplify further by canceling out any common factors. In this case, we can divide both the numerator and denominator of 4/6 by 2.

y = 4 * 3/2
y = 12/2
y = 6

Therefore, the solution to the equation y/9 = 44/54 is y = 6.