What is the psychochemical basis for drug addiction?

the body develops a dependence on the drug in order to feel well

the drug stimulates the breakdown of endorphins

the drug replaces normal neurotransmitters


Which of the following is NOT a good way to control an obsession?

indulge yourself in the obsession until it passes

have a mental escape when the obsessive thought arises

recognize and avoid the triggers for the obsession


thank you.

For the first question, the psychochemical basis for drug addiction is that the body develops a dependence on the drug in order to feel well. This means that the body becomes accustomed to the presence of the drug and relies on it to maintain a certain level of functioning. When the drug is no longer present, the body experiences withdrawal symptoms until it is able to obtain more of the drug.

As for the second question, indulging oneself in the obsession until it passes is NOT a good way to control an obsession. This is because indulging in the obsession can actually reinforce the behavior and make the obsession stronger. It is important to recognize and avoid triggers for the obsession, as well as finding healthy coping mechanisms and distractions when the obsessive thought arises. Having a mental escape can be a helpful technique as it allows you to redirect your thoughts and focus on something else, thereby reducing the intensity of the obsession.