Pedro earns 7.50 dollars an hour at his job at Matrix Cinemas. If he works 20 hours this week and his employer withholds a total of 22 percent of his weekly pay for taxes and Social Security, what is his take-home pay for the week?

What is .78(20(7.5) ??

To calculate Pedro's take-home pay for the week, follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the total earning before taxes.
Pedro earns $7.50 per hour, and he worked 20 hours. Therefore, his total earnings before taxes can be calculated as follows:
Total Earnings Before Taxes = Hourly Rate * Number of Hours Worked
= $7.50/hour * 20 hours
= $150

Step 2: Calculate the total amount withheld for taxes and Social Security.
His employer withholds a total of 22% of his weekly pay for taxes and Social Security. To calculate the total amount withheld, you'll need to find 22% of the total earnings before taxes:
Total Withheld = Total Earnings Before Taxes * Tax Rate (as a decimal)
= $150 * 0.22
= $33

Step 3: Subtract the withheld amount from the total earnings before taxes to get the take-home pay.
Take-Home Pay = Total Earnings Before Taxes - Total Withheld
= $150 - $33
= $117

Therefore, Pedro's take-home pay for the week is $117.