You are driving 2760 miles across the country during the first 3 days of your trip you drive 1380 miles. If you continue to drive at the same write each day, how many days will the entire trip take?

1380/3 = 460 miles per day

2760 / 460 = _________ days

How many days is 460 miles

6 days <3

To find out how many days the entire trip will take, we need to determine how many miles you will be driving each day and then divide the total distance of 2760 miles by that daily distance.

Since you drove 1380 miles during the first 3 days, you can divide the total distance driven by the number of days to find the average daily distance. So, 1380 miles / 3 days is equal to 460 miles per day.

Now, we can divide the remaining distance of 1380 miles by the average daily distance of 460 miles:
2760 miles - 1380 miles = 1380 miles
1380 miles / 460 miles per day = 3 days

Therefore, it will take you 3 more days to complete the remaining 1380 miles. In total, the entire trip will take 6 days (3 days you have already driven + 3 more days to complete the remaining distance).