Which of the labeled sections in the below molecule would be considered an unsaturated portion of the molecule?

A) \ B)|| C) |
\\\ /\ /|\

a. A and B
b. B only
c. C only
d. B and C

To determine which sections of the molecule would be considered an unsaturated portion, we need to understand what unsaturated means in the context of organic chemistry. Unsaturated compounds contain double or triple bonds between carbon atoms, whereas saturated compounds contain only single bonds.

In the given molecule, the labeled sections are represented by A, B, and C.

Looking at section A, we can see that it consists only of single bonds. Therefore, section A would be considered a saturated portion of the molecule.

Moving on to section B, we can see that it contains a double bond indicated by the "||" symbol. This double bond represents an unsaturated portion of the molecule since it involves two carbon atoms sharing two pairs of electrons. Thus, section B is considered an unsaturated portion.

Finally, examining section C, we can see that it consists only of a single bond indicated by the "|" symbol. Similar to section A, section C would be considered a saturated portion of the molecule.

Based on this analysis, the unsaturated portion of the molecule corresponds to section B. Therefore, the correct answer is b. B only.