M angle pqr =80 m arc pyr=80 find m arc pxr and m angle pqr

you already said that "m angle pqr =80"

as for pxr, I have no idea, since you have said nothing about x.

fix your typos and fill in the missing info if you want any useful help...

To find the measures of arc PXR and angle PQR, we can use the properties of angles and arcs in a circle.

First, let's analyze the given information:
- The measure of angle PQR is given as 80 degrees.
- The measure of arc PYR is also given as 80 degrees.

Now, let's proceed step by step:

1. Measure of arc PXR:
To find the measure of arc PXR, we need to consider the relationship between angles and arcs in a circle. The measure of an arc is equal to the measure of its central angle. Since angle PQR is the central angle for both arc PYR and arc PXR, we can conclude that the measure of arc PXR is also 80 degrees.

So, m(arc PXR) = 80 degrees.

2. Measure of angle PQR:
Since we already know that angle PQR is 80 degrees, we can directly state that:

m(angle PQR) = 80 degrees.

Final result:
- m(arc PXR) = 80 degrees
- m(angle PQR) = 80 degrees