What is the size of the smallest nonnegative angle coterminal with an angle of 1051π radians?

I got 180, but it wasn't correct?

you used degrees, yes?

1051π implies radians ... so the answer would be π

Okay that makes much more sense!! Thank you so much :)

To find the size of the smallest nonnegative angle coterminal with an angle of 1051π radians, you need to understand that coterminal angles are angles that have the same initial side and terminal side. In this case, we can use the fact that 2π radians is equal to one full revolution (360°).

To find the smallest nonnegative coterminal angle, we need to subtract multiples of 2π from the given angle until we have a positive angle less than 2π. So let's do the calculation:

1051π radians - (2π radians × 525) = π radians

Hence, the smallest nonnegative coterminal angle with an angle of 1051π radians is π radians or 180 degrees.

I'm sorry that you got 180 degrees and it wasn't correct. In this case, it seems that the answer is in radians rather than degrees.