A rectangular pyramid that measure 10cm by 7cm. Calculate

A the surface area
B.volume of the pyramid
C.the sides of a triangle.

gotta know the height of the pyramid.

Height is 11

Apologies for the confusion. If the rectangular pyramid has a base measuring 10cm by 7cm and a height of 11cm:

A) To calculate the surface area, we need to find the areas of the four triangular faces and the rectangular base.
The area of each triangular face is given by the formula: (base x height) / 2
Area of each triangular face = (10cm x 11cm) / 2 = 55cm²
Therefore, the total area of all four triangular faces = 55cm² x 4 = 220cm²

The area of the rectangular base is given by the formula: length x width
Area of the rectangular base = 10cm x 7cm = 70cm²

Finally, to calculate the surface area, we add the areas of the triangular faces and the base:
Surface area = 220cm² + 70cm² = 290cm²

B) To calculate the volume of the pyramid, we use the formula: (base area x height) / 3
Volume of the pyramid = (10cm x 7cm x 11cm) / 3 = 253.33cm³

C) If you are looking to find the sides of a triangle, please provide more information. Pyramids do not necessarily have triangles as sides, and the given dimensions do not correspond to any triangle.

To calculate the surface area and volume of a rectangular pyramid, as well as the length of the triangle's sides, follow these steps:

A. Calculate the Surface Area of the Pyramid:

Step 1: Find the area of the four triangular faces.

The formula for the area of a triangle is:
Area = 1/2 × base × height

Since the base and height of the triangles in the pyramid are equal to the base and slant height of the pyramid itself, which we'll denote as b and l respectively, the area of each triangle is:
Area of each triangle = 1/2 × b × l

Step 2: Find the area of the rectangular base.

The base of the pyramid is a rectangle with dimensions 10cm by 7cm, so the area is:
Area of rectangular base = length × width

Step 3: Add up the areas of the triangular faces and the base to find the total surface area.
Total surface area = 4 × (Area of each triangle) + (Area of rectangular base)

B. Calculate the Volume of the Pyramid:

The formula for the volume of a pyramid is:
Volume = 1/3 × (Area of base) × height

In this case, the base is the area of the rectangular base, and the height is the distance from the base to the apex (top) of the pyramid.

C. Calculate the Sides of the Triangle:

Since a rectangular pyramid has four triangular faces, two sides of each triangle are already known (the width and the length of the base of the pyramid). To find the third side, you can use the Pythagorean theorem.

The Pythagorean theorem states that in a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

In this case, the base of the triangle is the width or length of the rectangular base (10cm or 7cm), and the other two sides are the slant height of the pyramid (l) and the height of the pyramid (h).

Using the Pythagorean theorem, we can find the third side of the triangle (slant height or height).

Remember, the slant height is the hypotenuse, so the formula becomes:
l² = b² + h²

Solve for either the slant height (l) or the height (h) by substituting the known values of b and h into the equation.

By following these steps, you can calculate the surface area, volume, and sides of a triangular pyramid given its dimensions.

I need to know the base