A parking lot has a total of 60 cars and trucks. The ratio of cars to trucks is 7:3. How many cars are in the parking lot? How many trucks are in the parking lot? Justify your answer.

To find the number of cars and trucks in the parking lot, we need to use the given ratio of 7:3.

Step 1: Calculate the total ratio units.
The total ratio units are the sum of the ratio's parts. In this case, it is 7 + 3 = 10.

Step 2: Determine the value of one ratio unit.
To find the value of one ratio unit, we divide the total number of cars and trucks by the total ratio units. In this case, 60 divided by 10 equals 6.

Step 3: Calculate the number of cars.
To find the number of cars, we multiply the value of one ratio unit by the ratio part assigned to cars. In this case, 6 multiplied by 7 equals 42.

Therefore, there are 42 cars in the parking lot.

Step 4: Calculate the number of trucks.
To find the number of trucks, we multiply the value of one ratio unit by the ratio part assigned to trucks. In this case, 6 multiplied by 3 equals 18.

Therefore, there are 18 trucks in the parking lot.

To summarize:
- There are 42 cars in the parking lot.
- There are 18 trucks in the parking lot.

To solve this problem, we need to use the given ratio of cars to trucks and the total number of vehicles in the parking lot.

The given ratio is 7:3, which means for every 7 cars, there are 3 trucks.

Step 1: Calculate the total number of parts in the ratio.
The total parts in the ratio is 7 + 3 = 10.

Step 2: Find the value of each part.
To find the value of each part, divide the total number of vehicles by the total parts in the ratio:
60 vehicles / 10 parts = 6 vehicles per part.

Step 3: Calculate the number of cars and trucks.
To find the number of cars, multiply the value of each part by the number of parts for cars:
6 vehicles per part * 7 parts = 42 cars.

To find the number of trucks, multiply the value of each part by the number of parts for trucks:
6 vehicles per part * 3 parts = 18 trucks.

Therefore, there are 42 cars and 18 trucks in the parking lot.


7/10 = x/60

10x = 420

x = 42 cars

How many trucks?