1. The tone of the poem "Ka'Ba" versus the tone of the poem "Harlem II" might be described as:

A. Grateful vs Ungrateful
B. Certain vs Doubtful
C. Hopeful vs Defeated
D. Safe vs Dangerous

2. The theme of "Your World" can best be inferred from which line?

A. "To travel this immensity."
B. "But I sighted the distant horizon."
C. "Your world is as big as you make it."
D. "And I throbbed with a burning desire."

I think

Did you ever find the answer?

its c and c

i think
thats what im putting down!

hopfully im right

To determine the correct answers, let's analyze the poems and lines provided.

1. To compare the tone of the poem "Ka'Ba" with the tone of the poem "Harlem II," you will need to read and understand both poems. Start by locating the poems and carefully read through them, paying attention to their overall mood and emotional qualities. You might want to note any specific words, phrases, or imagery that contribute to the tone of each poem.

Once you have read and analyzed both poems, you can compare the tones described in the answer choices.

2. To infer the theme of "Your World," you will need to examine the lines provided and consider their underlying meaning. One way to approach this is to read the line options individually and think about the message or idea conveyed by each one.

After reading and reflecting on the lines, think about which option aligns most closely with the overall message or main idea of the poem. The theme could be implied by the line that captures the essence of what the speaker wants to convey about the world.

By carefully examining and understanding the poems and lines, you will be able to determine the correct answers.