We have a trapezoid ABCD and the diagonals intersect in point O. AO : OC = m : n

Prove that DO : OB = m : n

I think this discussion will show you how to proceed.


To prove that DO : OB = m : n in the trapezoid ABCD with diagonals intersecting at point O, where AO : OC = m : n, we can use the property of similar triangles.

Let's consider triangle ADO and triangle BCO.

By the intersection property, we have:

AO : OC = AD : BC

Since we're given that AO : OC = m : n, we can write:

m : n = AD : BC

Now, let's consider triangle ADO and triangle BDO. These two triangles share the same base (DO) and have the same height (the distance from O to the line AB, which is the same as the distance from O to the line CD).

The area of a triangle is given by the formula:

Area = (1/2) * base * height

In both triangles, the base is DO, and the height is the same. Therefore, the ratio of their areas is equal to the ratio of their bases:

Area(ADO) : Area(BDO) = DO : DO

But the area of a triangle is proportional to its base, so:

Area(ADO) : Area(BDO) = AD : BD

Since we know that AD : BD = m : n (from the earlier equation), we have:

Area(ADO) : Area(BDO) = m : n

Since the areas of ADO and BDO have the same ratio as the bases AD and BD, we can conclude that DO : OB = m : n.