a property of rhombi that is not a property of parallelograms

all sides are congruent

^ that should help

so in a rhombus all sides are equal ?


thank you

your welcome :)

One property of rhombi that is not a property of parallelograms is that all four sides of a rhombus are equal in length. In order to understand why this is the case, let's first define what a rhombus and a parallelogram are.

A rhombus is a quadrilateral with four sides of equal length. Additionally, the opposite angles of a rhombus are equal. This means that if you have a rhombus, you can be sure that all four sides are the same length, and the opposite angles are equal.

On the other hand, a parallelogram is a quadrilateral with opposite sides that are parallel. However, a parallelogram does not necessarily have all four sides of equal length. It can have two pairs of equal sides, but the adjacent sides may have different lengths.

To verify this property, you can measure the lengths of the sides of a given shape. If all four sides are equal in length, then you have a rhombus. If any of the sides have different lengths, then you do not have a rhombus, but rather a parallelogram.

In summary, the property of having all four sides of equal length is a unique characteristic of rhombi and not parallelograms.