Lesson 12 Unit 2 quick check:

The major countries of Europe set up colonies in Africa and Asian in order to

In order to what? What does Lesson 12, Unit 2 say? We'll be glad to check your answer.

Thanks Earl, 3/3 on connexus!

To answer this question, we need to understand the historical context of European colonialism in Africa and Asia.

1. Begin by researching the major countries of Europe during the era of colonialism. Some key players include Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, and Germany. Understanding the motivations and characteristics of each country's colonies can help you draft a complete answer.

2. Next, explore the reasons behind European colonization. Historically, European nations sought colonies for economic, political, and cultural reasons. Examples include exploiting natural resources, establishing trade routes, expanding political influence, and spreading cultural and religious beliefs.

3. To understand why European countries specifically targeted Africa and Asia, consider the factors that made these regions attractive to colonizers. Key factors include the abundance of valuable resources such as gold, spices, timber, and raw materials, as well as the potential for establishing strategic military bases and exploiting new markets.

4. Additionally, analyze the impact of the Industrial Revolution, which sparked a significant increase in European colonial ambitions. The need for resources to fuel industrial production and new markets to sell manufactured goods drove European powers to expand their empires.

5. Lastly, examine the historical events that led to the colonization of Africa and Asia, such as the Scramble for Africa and the Opium Wars in China. These events were instrumental in shaping European colonization efforts across these regions.

By conducting thorough research and considering the historical factors mentioned above, you can provide a well-rounded and informed answer to the question about why major European countries set up colonies in Africa and Asia.

The answers are b. a. d.