What is the longitude of place x 8am whem the time at 0• is 12noon

About 60 degrees west



To determine the longitude of Place X at 8 am, we need to consider the time difference between the two places and the rotation of the Earth.

Step 1: Calculate the time difference:
Since the time at 0° longitude (also known as the Prime Meridian) is given as 12 noon, we can assume it refers to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Now, determine the time difference between GMT/UTC and the local time at Place X. For example, if Place X is four hours behind GMT/UTC, then at 8 am in Place X, it would be 12 noon GMT/UTC (4-hour difference).

Step 2: Convert the time difference into degrees:
To convert the time difference into degrees, we need to consider that the Earth completes a rotation of 360 degrees in 24 hours (or 15 degrees per hour). Multiply the time difference (in hours) by 15 to get the corresponding longitude difference. For example, if Place X is four hours behind GMT/UTC, the longitude difference is 4 hours × 15 degrees per hour = 60 degrees.

Step 3: Determine the longitude of Place X:
To find the longitude of Place X, we need to know the reference longitude. This reference longitude can be the Prime Meridian (0 degrees), or any other known longitude that you have. Add/subtract the longitude difference (calculated in step 2) to/from the reference longitude to find the longitude of Place X.

For example, if the reference longitude is 0 degrees (Prime Meridian), then the longitude of Place X would be 0 degrees + 60 degrees = 60 degrees.

NOTE: It's important to consider daylight saving time (DST) adjustments, if applicable, during the calculation to ensure accuracy.