Why is self-control necessary to complete an online course?

learning is a solitary process

no other person is interested in your success

an online course is mostly self-directed


ow is equanimity related to self-confidence?

self-confidence and equanimity are different words for the same thing

self-confidence is the feeling that all adversity can be overcome; equanimity is the feeling that adversity is not threatening

both self-confidence and equanimity are the result of not having adversity


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To answer the questions:

1. Why is self-control necessary to complete an online course?
The correct answer is C. "An online course is mostly self-directed." Self-control is necessary because in online courses, there is no physical presence of a teacher or classmates to keep you accountable or motivated. It is up to you to set goals, manage your time effectively, and stay committed to completing the course on your own.

2. How is equanimity related to self-confidence?
The correct answer is B. "Self-confidence is the feeling that all adversity can be overcome; equanimity is the feeling that adversity is not threatening." Equanimity refers to a calm and balanced state of mind, where one is able to remain composed and undisturbed in the face of challenges or difficulties. Self-confidence, on the other hand, is the belief in one's own abilities and the assurance that one can overcome obstacles. While both self-confidence and equanimity contribute to a positive mindset, they emphasize different aspects of dealing with adversity.