If I have a line of best fit,

y = -3.0681x + 287.7095

is -3.0681 the slope?

And is 387.7095 the y-intercept? And what exactly does that y-intercept mean? That's where that line crosses the y-axis?


I'm sorry, but this response really doesn't make any sense to me....

Yes, -3.0681 is the slope of the line. The slope represents the rate at which the dependent variable (y) changes with respect to the independent variable (x). In this case, for every unit increase in x, y decreases by 3.0681 units.

And yes, 287.7095 is the y-intercept of the line. The y-intercept is the value of y when x is equal to 0, or the point where the line crosses the y-axis. In this case, if x = 0, y will be equal to 287.7095.

The y-intercept represents the initial value of the dependent variable (y) when the independent variable (x) is 0. For example, if this line represents a regression analysis on data points, it would indicate that when the independent variable is 0, the predicted value of the dependent variable is 287.7095. However, it is important to note that the interpretation may vary depending on the context in which the line of best fit is being used.