whats not an insulator. won't show up on google search.

This site found under insulator kids will help you.


If it is not an insulator it is called a conductor. . On Google search for insulators versus conductors

To find out what is not an insulator, you can narrow down the search by specifically looking for electrical conductors. Conductors are materials that allow electric current to flow through them. Unlike insulators, which inhibit the passage of electric charge, conductors facilitate its movement.

A simple way to identify conductors is by considering some common materials:
1. Metals: Materials such as copper, aluminum, iron, and silver are excellent conductors of electricity. They have a high density of free electrons and allow for easy flow of electric charges.
2. Graphite: This form of carbon is also a good conductor due to its unique molecular structure.
3. Some liquids: Certain liquids, like saltwater or acid solutions, can conduct electricity due to the presence of ions that act as charge carriers.
4. Plasma: The fourth state of matter, plasma, consists of highly ionized gases and is an excellent conductor of electricity.

So, to answer your question, non-conductive materials such as wood, plastic, rubber, glass, ceramics, and most non-metallic substances are not insulators.