Asking for academic facts on high cost of living in lebanon. As well, Food Safety issues.

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I'd start out using these search terms:

cost of living lebanon

food safety issues lebanon

For scholarly articles only, use

To gather academic facts on the high cost of living in Lebanon and food safety issues, you can follow these steps:

1. Visit reputable academic databases: Access scholarly databases such as JSTOR, ScienceDirect, or Google Scholar, which provide access to academic journals, articles, and studies. These databases are trustworthy sources for academic research.

2. Use relevant keywords: Input keywords like "high cost of living in Lebanon" and "food safety issues in Lebanon" to find scholarly articles specifically addressing these topics. Be specific in your search to get accurate and relevant results.

3. Filter your search: Use filters available in the database to narrow down your search results. You can filter by publication date, subject area, author affiliation, or type of publication (e.g., research article, review, etc.).

4. Read abstracts and introductions: Once you have a list of relevant articles, read the abstracts and introductions to get an overview of the research and determine if it covers the aspects you are interested in. This will help you identify articles that provide academic facts related to the high cost of living and food safety issues in Lebanon.

5. Access full articles: If you find an article that seems relevant, access the full text. Some articles may be behind a paywall, but many academic institutions provide access to their students or libraries, which may grant you access. This is where being affiliated with an academic institution can be helpful.

6. Evaluate the sources: Assess the credibility and reliability of the article. Look at the author's qualifications, the journal's reputation, and whether the research includes supporting data and references. Peer-reviewed articles are typically more reliable.

Some potential areas of research for the high cost of living in Lebanon may include inflation, exchange rates, government economic policies, or socio-economic factors affecting affordability. Food safety issues in Lebanon could involve studying regulations, standards, agricultural practices, or public health concerns related to food contamination.

It's important to note that while these steps can lead you to academic sources on the topics, interpreting and analyzing the information appropriately requires an understanding of the subject matter and critical thinking skills.