Based on the information from Part 1, determine whether each statement is True or False.

Jasmine's best friend lives .25 inches past the camp, which is 240 total miles away.

Jasmine covers .75 inches in the first hour, which is 70 miles.

Jasmine will be 140 miles away from home after covering 1.75 inches on the map.

Jasmine plans to stop for lunch in a town that that is 1.25 inches away on the map. This distance will be 100 miles.

Where is part 1?

To determine whether each statement is true or false, we need to use the information provided in Part 1.

Let's analyze each statement:

Statement 1: Jasmine's best friend lives .25 inches past the camp, which is 240 total miles away.
To solve this statement, we need to compare the distance on the map to the actual mile measurement. According to Part 1, 0.25 inches on the map represent 30 miles in real distance. Therefore, this statement is false because the camp is 240 miles away, not just 30 miles.

Statement 2: Jasmine covers .75 inches in the first hour, which is 70 miles.
According to Part 1, 1 inch on the map represents 90 miles in real distance. Therefore, if Jasmine covers 0.75 inches on the map, it would correspond to 0.75 x 90 = 67.5 miles. However, the statement says she covers 70 miles, so this statement is false.

Statement 3: Jasmine will be 140 miles away from home after covering 1.75 inches on the map.
Using the same conversion from Part 1, we know that 1 inch on the map represents 90 miles in real distance. Therefore, if Jasmine covers 1.75 inches on the map, it would correspond to 1.75 x 90 = 157.5 miles. Since this is greater than 140 miles, the statement is false.

Statement 4: Jasmine plans to stop for lunch in a town that is 1.25 inches away on the map. This distance will be 100 miles.
According to Part 1, 1 inch on the map represents 90 miles in real distance. Therefore, if the town is 1.25 inches away, it would correspond to 1.25 x 90 = 112.5 miles. Since this is greater than 100 miles, the statement is false.

In summary:

Statement 1: False
Statement 2: False
Statement 3: False
Statement 4: False