Jasmine is looking at a map to determine how many miles it is to the camp she will be attending this summer. The scale of the map is 14 inch = 20 miles. The total distance to the camp on the map is 2.75 inches.

Which proportion shows how many miles it is to the camp?

What are your choices?

Do you have a typo in the map scale?

To find out how many miles it is to the camp, we need to set up a proportion based on the scale of the map.

The scale of the map is given as 14 inches = 20 miles.
Let's define the distance to the camp as x miles.

Using the proportion formula, we can set up the proportion as follows:

14 inches / 20 miles = 2.75 inches / x miles

To solve for x, we cross-multiply:

14 inches * x miles = 20 miles * 2.75 inches

Now we can solve for x:

14x = 55

Divide both sides of the equation by 14:

x = 55 / 14

After simplifying the fraction, we find that:

x = 3.93 (approximately)

Therefore, the proportion that shows the number of miles it is to the camp is:

14 inches / 20 miles = 2.75 inches / 3.93 miles