A ribbon measuring (v+4) feet in length was cut into two pieces in the ratio 3:7 What was the length of the longer piece

Let n be the common factor between the two pieces. Then, the length of each piece is given by 3n and 7n, respectively. The length of the longer piece would be 7n/v+4 So:

3n/v+4 +7n/v+4=1

You started well.

Ok, up to 3n+7n = v+4 , you have like terms in n
10n = v+4
n = (v+4)/10

so the longer piece is 7n or

To find the length of the longer piece, we first need to determine the total length of the ribbon.

The given information states that the ribbon measuring (v+4) feet in length was cut into two pieces in the ratio 3:7. This means that the total length of the ribbon is divided into 3 + 7 = 10 equal parts.

To calculate the length of each part, we divide the total length of the ribbon by the number of parts:

Length of each part = (v+4) feet / 10

Next, we need to determine the length of the longer piece, which is represented by 7 parts out of the total of 10 parts:

Length of longer piece = Length of each part * Number of parts (7 out of 10)

By substituting the expression for the length of each part, we get:

Length of longer piece = ((v+4) feet / 10) * (7 out of 10)

Thus, the length of the longer piece is ((v+4) feet / 10) * 7.