What is the parent function of x=2?If y=2 is a constant.So f(x)=a. would be the parent function of y=2.

Would x=2 also be a constant since it is just going vertical instead of horizontal?

The parent function represents the simplest form of a function or a basic pattern from which other functions can be derived or transformed. In the case of linear functions, the most basic form is a straight line.

The equation x = 2 represents a vertical line passing through the x-coordinate of 2. It is indeed a constant line because for any value of y, x will always be equal to 2. Thus, the parent function for x = 2 is a constant function, which can be written as f(x) = a, where 'a' is the constant value, and in this case, it is 2.

So, the parent function for x = 2 is f(x) = 2, which represents a horizontal line passing through the y-coordinate of 2. This function is constant and does not change with different input values of x.