I am a 2 digits number. My ones is 3 more than my tens and the sum of my digits is 11. What number am I?

no,,please explain

what number am I?

To find the number, let's analyze the given information step by step.

The first piece of information states that the ones digit is 3 more than the tens digit. Let's express this relationship mathematically.

Let the tens digit be represented by the variable 'x'.
The ones digit can be represented by 'x + 3', as it is 3 more than the tens digit.

Next, we are informed that the sum of the digits is 11. We can write this as an equation as well.

The sum of the tens digit and the ones digit is x + (x + 3) = 11.

Now, we can solve this equation to find the value of 'x'.

1st step. Let the

u = units digit
t = tens digit

Now, what have they said?

u = t+3
u+3 = 11

Think you can handle that?