Abbie is selling floral arrangements. Each arrangement uses 1 vase and 10 daisies. Each vase costs Abbie $3.00. Let C be the total cost of the arrangement and d be the cost of 1 daisy. Write an equation, in slope-intercept form, that represents the total cost of each arrangement.

Use this equation to find out what the cost of the arrangement would be if each daisy cost Abbie $2.00.

C = 3.00 + 10d

now just use your numbers as needed.

To answer the first part of your question, let's define the variables:

C = Total cost of the arrangement
d = Cost of 1 daisy

From the given information, we know that each arrangement uses 1 vase and 10 daisies. Each vase costs $3, and we are not given the cost of each daisy.

The cost of the vase is a fixed cost that does not change with the number of daisies. So, the cost of the vase, $3.00, can be added to the cost of the daisies to find the total cost of the arrangement.

Since there are 10 daisies in each arrangement, the cost of the daisies will be 10 times the cost of a single daisy (d).

Thus, the equation representing the total cost of each arrangement can be written as:

C = 3 + 10d

This equation is in slope-intercept form (y = mx + b) with the slope (m) being 10 (the coefficient of d) and the y-intercept (b) being 3 (the constant cost for the vase).

Now, let's use this equation to find out what the cost of the arrangement would be if each daisy cost Abbie $2.00.

Substitute d = $2.00 into the equation:

C = 3 + 10($2.00)

C = 3 + 10($2.00)

C = 3 + 20

C = 23

Therefore, if each daisy cost Abbie $2.00, the total cost of the arrangement would be $23.00.