Portugal refused to sponsor him, but Columbus persuaded Ferdinand and Isabella of What to his voyage.

Read lots and LOTS!!!


To find the answer to this question, we need to familiarize ourselves with the historical context surrounding Christopher Columbus and his voyage. Here are the steps to get the answer:

1. Identify the details of the question: The question states that Portugal refused to sponsor Columbus, so we need to figure out who ultimately agreed to sponsor his voyage.

2. Research Christopher Columbus: Start by gathering some information about Christopher Columbus. Columbus was an Italian explorer who sought to find a western sea route to Asia. In his search for financial support, he initially approached Portugal.

3. Portugal's refusal: Learn about why Portugal declined to sponsor Columbus. Portugal at that time was already involved in trade and exploration, having established a significant global presence with voyages around Africa. As a result, they may have seen Columbus's proposition as unnecessary or financially risky.

4. Ferdinand and Isabella's involvement: Explore the role of Ferdinand and Isabella in Columbus's voyage. Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile were the reigning monarchs of Spain at the time. After Columbus's failed attempt in Portugal, he sought their support for his voyage. They eventually agreed to sponsor him due to various factors, including Columbus's persistence and the potential for new trade routes and wealth.

5. Conclusion: Based on the information gathered, we can now answer the question. Christopher Columbus persuaded Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain to sponsor his voyage.

In summary, Christopher Columbus was rejected by Portugal for sponsorship, but he was able to persuade Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain to support his voyage, which eventually led to his journey across the Atlantic Ocean.