Which of the following most contributes to deforestation of the Amazon rain forest?

A. mining
B. lumber milling
C. road construction
D. tourism

According to this site, it's cattle ranching.


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To determine which of the options most contributes to deforestation of the Amazon rainforest, we need to understand the activities associated with each option and their impact on the forest.

A. Mining: Mining activities involve extracting minerals or resources from the earth's surface, often requiring extensive infrastructure and land clearing. While mining can contribute to deforestation in some regions, it is generally not considered a major factor in the Amazon rainforest.

B. Lumber milling: Lumber milling refers to the process of cutting and processing trees to produce timber. This activity has been a significant driver of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest over the years. Large areas of forest are clear-cut to make way for logging operations, leading to habitat destruction and loss of biodiversity.

C. Road construction: Road construction involves building new roads or expanding existing ones, which can facilitate access to remote areas for various human activities. In the Amazon rainforest, road construction has been a major contributor to deforestation. Building roads opens up previously inaccessible areas for logging, agricultural expansion, and other forms of encroachment.

D. Tourism: Tourism typically involves visiting attractions in natural areas such as the Amazon rainforest. While tourism itself may not directly cause deforestation, it can indirectly contribute to deforestation through infrastructure development, such as hotels, resorts, and transportation networks. Additionally, increased human activity and demand for services in tourism hotspots can put pressure on the surrounding environment and resources.

Considering the options mentioned, B. Lumber milling and C. Road construction are the activities most commonly associated with deforestation in the Amazon rainforest. These activities involve significant clearing of trees and habitat destruction. While mining and tourism may have some impact, their contribution to deforestation is generally considered less significant.